Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the subbstance of things hoped for, the evidence of thigs not see"
"Hebrews 11:6 For without faith, it is impossible to please God." Is having faith, merely the act of saying it? If not, how can you prove, you have faith? In the book of James, chapter 2, explains what is to have faith. It also states that if we fail to have works, with which we prove our faith, we don't have faith at all! Therefore, we are only deceiving ourselves. According to the book of James, confessing our faith should be more than words coming out of our mouths. We need to prove that we believe God by keeping the commandments he has left for us to follow. One of the commandments is "TO LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF". Therefore, if we would feed ourselves when we are hungry, or robe ourselves, when we are cold. Shouldn't we do the same for our bretheren, when they find themselves in the same predicament, but financial lack resources? According to Matthew 25:35 says, that if we fail to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, etc... when we are able to, we are not excersising our faith. In other words, we are showing that we have NO faith. and without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please GOD!
To have faith is when God tell us to do something outrageous that under normal circumstances it would be impossible to accomplish.
Like when God tells you to do something that in your right mind you would not do, but since He is the one making the request you have no choice but to trust in Him, in order to be able to please Him.
Like when he told Abraham to leave his family and his city and to follow God to the land He was going to show him.
Genesis 12:1-10????? Abraham had faith in God and didn't question Him, where this land was located at? He just followed God, Abraham didn't say show me the land first then I'll follow you. He simply believed God and lived a day at a time.
Or when God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac Genesis 25????