I just want to let you know that the advice you gave me about tithing, really works! (Malachi 3:10)I began to tithe,
while I was going through financial constraints, and all of a sudden I began to earn more more, than I gave.
God does see it. Give. Give. Give. And He'll return back to you ten fold. God bless you Letty.
Love, Nancy G - Temecula, CA
Letty, I just want to thank the Lord, for bringing you into our lives. I followed the biblical advice you gave me
in regards to my husband's infidelity, not only did I forgive him, but in addition I apologized to him for not
taking care of his physical needs, (1 Corintios 7:4). I gave him the option to leave me and go to the other woman,
but if he chose to stay I would no longer neglect his physical needs. He in return asked me for forgiveness and
requested a second chance. Not only were our lives the happiest in our marriage since our reconciliation,
but in addition we as a family, began to attend church on a regular basis. Our two boys and my husband bonded
the godly way, until my husbands tragic accident that took his life. Thank you for sharing God's word with us,
I would be hating myself right now. Had I gone through with divorce and separation, not knowing that that was
going to be my husband's last year of his life. Thanks to the Lord's advice, I can honestly say I have peace and no
regrets, to have chosen to forgive him. My husband's death prompted my sister in law's husband to think about how
he had deserted his wife and their children. They have both reconciled now, as well. They are now a happy family
again, and have become better parents to their new born baby. Your prayer and advice mended two broken homes.
Ivette B - San Jose, CA
Letty, thank you for all the biblical advice you gave me in regards to what I needed to do regarding my husband's infidelity.
I forgave him for his betrayal just as (Matt. 5:44) says. I also kept myself pure and prayed for his salvation as well as the
salvation for his new girlfriend, in addition I asked God to bless them both and make them both happy. I also followed
the biblical advice you gave me, and wrote down on a piece of paper all the characteristics I wanted in the new husband
I was believing the Lord for (Habakuk 2:2). 18 months later my husband came back to us a NEW man! He became the man
I was praying the Lord for and is now God fearing. We are currently serving the Lord together. For the first time we are a
Godly family with a blessed home. In addition, the Lord provided a job that it is currently 70% more pay than my previous.
Glory be to the most high God.
Martha B - San Jose, CA
Hi Letty
"I wanted to give you the good news. My visa has been approved. Thank you for the prayers. They worked!
I really appreciate everyone's support and prayers. "
Virgine - Burbank, CA
Pastor Letty,
I want to give God all the glory for the following testimony I will share with you. I just wanted to let you
know that my SSI was approved! Many people adviced me to get a lawyer to represent me and that I needed
to lie in order for me to be approved for benefits. I told them I didn't need a lawyer and that it would take
years before they would approve me. I replied that JESUS was my lawyer and that I was NOT going to LIE!!!
In addition Social Security Office, told me in the first interview that IF I qualified for anything at all, that it
would be the minnimal amount allowed. To summarize everything in a few words. Not only was I approved
within a few months, in addition they granted me the maximum amount allowed. AND I DIDN'T NEED A LAWYER,
NOR DID I LIE!!! Glory be given to the living GOD!!!
Angie B. - Toledo, OH
Being a Pastor is the easiest thing to be, when we are able to follow the Lord's advice written in his
Holy Book "The BIBLE". All of my advice has to be backed up by the scriptures or I will refuse to give it.
If I don't have a bible verse for it I simply keep silent, it is that simple!!! All the Glory belongs to Our
Pastor Letty Hawkins
