
We praise and exalt Our heavenly Father for allowing us to have the freedom to worship him, for having all our basic needs met. We thank you for choosing us to be a part of your kingdom. Thank you for sending your son to die for us and writing our names in the Lamb's book of life. We thank you for all the blessing you have given us in our lives. We thank you that we woke up healthy this morning. Thank you for the roof over our heads, clothes on our backs and food on our tables. Thank you for our salvation. We thank you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Prayer Requests
"Father God we give you all praise and honor, only you are worthy to be praised. We exalt you and worship you, please hear our prayers. We humbly come before you interceding for Anna, Amanda's Mom. Asking you to comfort and strengthen her. Give your peace that surpasses all understanding give your Angels charge to carry her in their hands, lest her foot tremple on stone. Please guard and watch over her, sweet Lord, we know what it is to loose a child. While no one can replace them your loving kindness can ease the pain and grief a death brings us. We pray in the name of your precious son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN!!!
Please include our prayers to your daily prayers, I will update this page often, may the good Lord bless you all, for your compassion and loving hearts! Please send any updates or prayer requests to PastorLetty@TheBrideOfJesus.org. Thank you!
Pastor, Letty Hawkins
ph: 1(800)EYE-L-GOD
