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While most of us don't know our place in the world... the Bible gives us an option. You can either serve the world and it's desires, or the Lord and his kingdom. It is our choice! In Deuteronomy 30:19 'The Almighty' makes it clear, that HE has established UNIVERSAL RULES in the spiritual realm. Those rules apply to humanity, whether we believe in God or not! Just as gravity is a UNIVERSAL RULE in the physical realm. Gravity will always have the power to pull objects back to earth, whether we believe in gravity or not! The end result will always be the same "EVERYTHING THAT GOES UP, MUST COME DOWN!!!"
God will not force us to obey or by any means follow HIS rules and Commandments. He merely lets us know the out come of our obedience or disobedience ...the choice is ours, He calls it "FREE WILL"!
If we choose to obey and believe HIM our reward will have no comparison. First we must blindly believe in Him who called us to serve Him. "Heb 11:6 We must believe that He is and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him". It is impossible to confess that we believe in Him and not obey Him, we only deceive ourselves when we do that. The word of God says "Demons believe in Him and they tremble with fear (James 2:19)". And while "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10)". The ultimate test is not only to FEAR Him, but in addition to OBEY Him "John 14:15 If you love me, keep my commandments". The only way we can please God is by excersesing our faith; The only way we can prove we have faith is through works: PRAYING, PREACHING, OBEYING GOD, TITHING & ATTENDING CHURCH. "Faith without works is DEAD! James 2:20" in simple terms, if you are not putting into practice any of the five verbs mentioned (Praying, preaching,obeying God, tithing or attending church)... YOU HAVE NO FAITH!!! "and without FAITH it is impossible to please GOD!!! Hebrews 11:6"
The Bible mentions 613 commandments, "ten of them God wrote them in tablets of stone, with His own finger Exodus 31:18"
"EXODUS 20:3-17 1. You Shall have no other gods before ME; 2. You shall not make any graven image nor worship them; 3. You shall not use the Lord's God name in vain; 4. You shall keep the Sabbath Holy; 5. Honor your parents; 6. You shall not kill; 7. You shall not commit adultery; 8. You shall not steal; 9. You shall not lie; 10. You shall not cover."
Which later, Jesus reduced them to two Commandments: "Mark 12:30-31 1. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, and all your strength. 2. And Love your neighbor as yourself"
To take The Lords Name In Vain
To Kill
To commit Adultery
To Steal
To Lie
To Covet
COMMANDMENTS OF OMISSION (Things we fail to do):
God Not Being First In Our Lives
Not Attending Church
Not Praying
Not Feeding the hungry
Not clothing the naked
Not visiting the sick
Not visiting the prisoners
Not giving to the poor
Not helping the Needy
