God will give us a grace period in which we should repent for our transgressions. If we trully repent, spiritually we are forgiven immediately, that is, our souls will be saved. Physically, on the otherhand, it is not forgiven, rarely sometimes will God have mercy on someone and they won't pay for their transgression here on Earth. GALATIANS 6:7 DO NOT DECEIVE YOUR SELVES, GOD CAN NOT BE MOCKED, FOR WHAT EVER A MAN SOWETH, SO SHALL HE REAP. Yes, you read correctly there are two forms of punishments the physical and the spiritual. King David, had Uriah the Hittite murdered and did not repent until Nathan the prophet, brought it to his attention. By then, while God did forgive King David's soul from damnation. In the physical realm, King David paid for the murder of Uriah with the life of three of his children. I personally think he raped Bathsheba, reason being his daughter Tamar, was raped by her own half brother. God, on the other hand, compensated Bathsheba for her suffering by giving the throne to her son King Solomon, as compensation for King David's transgression against her marriage with Uriah.
We are the only ones to be blamed for the tragedies in our lives, for, it is our disobedience that opens the doors to the enemy. JOHN 10:10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. The good news is, that God reverses the effects of our tragedies into blessings. PSALM 30:11 You have changed my sobbing into dancing. You have removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy. ROMANS 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Let's see if this statement is true. In Genesis 47:13-27 there was a famine on all the Earth. Jacob's son Joseph, had a revelation from God regarding the famine, and took the necessary precautions. Not only was he able to prepare for it. Egypt became a number one world power, due to the famine. The famine forced his father Jacob and family members to relocated to Egypt, there were only 70 family members, when they relocated to Egypt. They lived in Egypt for 430 years, the last 40 years, approximately, the hebrews were turned into slaves by Pharaoh, forcing them to perform hard labor with no pay. God blessed them to multiply very rapidly. At the end of the 430 years of their residency in Egypt, they had increased in number, for now they were over a million, in number counting women and children. God had promissed Abraham that his descendents were going to inherit the land of milk and honey, however the hebrews had gotten comfortable in Egypt and had forgotten about God's promise to their anscestor Abraham. Although the intention of the Egyptians to enslaved the Hebrews was with the intention to have control over them. The oppression caused all of them to once again, call on their mighty God. Who in no time, not only sent them their deliverer (Moses), in addition touched the hearts of the Egyptians to hand over their wages owed to them. Resulting in the Hebrews taking all the silver and gold from Egypt on the day of their departure. EXODUS 12:35 The Israelites did what Moses had told them and asked the Egyptians for gold and silver jewelry and for clothes. The oppression Pharaoh placed on the Hebrews, gave them the courage needed, for them to leave their homes behind in search of the promissed land. Now being so many in number, not only did they have the man power to take possession of the promissed land, but in addition once they were there, they could now be able to deffend it!
Now, let's fast forward 1500 years to the birth of Jesus. The Messiah rejected by the Jews, not only did they reject Him, in addition, they crucified Him. The consequence for their crime, was that the entire city including their sacrate Temple was destroyed and they became destituded from their own homeland. They wondered throughout the world for almost two thousand years. And everytime they became comfortable in their new home "country" they were thrown out of every country they lived in. They've been hated by the entire world.
Now lets travel to modern time... Hitler encarcerated the Jews, in an attempt to irradicate the race, and instead their suffering inspired "THE UNITED NATIONS" to give them back their "PROMISSED LAND". Now after two thousand years of not having a country they could call their own. After two days (this is equivalent to two thousand years) God gave them back their land just like the prophet Hosea Prophesized. In HOSEA 6:2 After two days he will revive us. On the third day he will raise us so that we may live in his presence. In MATTHEW 24:8 Jesus said that WWl & WWll were both "labor or birth" pains. The Jewish race is now back in their "PROMISE LAND". Just like the prophet Isaiah prophisized in ISAIAH 66:8 Who has heard of such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a country be born in one day? Can a nation be born in a moment? When Zion went into labor, she also gave birth to her children. In one day the State of Israel was born on May 14, 1948 as prophesized.
In addition, since the Jews were residing in all the countries of the world, the seeds of fruits and vegetables, as well as the knowledge of the entire planet is contained in the small country of Israel. All the knowledge of the earth is located in the tiny 8,019 sq. mile country of Israel. And according to Bible prophecy Israel will be the supplier of food and flowers for the world.
