And the Spirit and the Bride say, "Come". And let him that hears say, "Come". And let him that is thirsty come. And whoever will, let him take the water of life freely!                                                                    Rev. 22:17 






I would like to begin with the basics, in order for you to better understand God and His purpose for your life. I will share with you everything I know regarding God and His Word, known as THE HOLY SCRIPTURES  or more commonly known as the BIBLE.

The word Bible comes from the Greek word 'biblios' which means library (or collection of books) for that is precisely what the Holy Bible is. It is a library of 66 books divided into two sections, THE OLD & NEW TESTAMENT.

The word testament means covenant, pact or contract. The Old Testament is the pact God had with his nation THE JEWS before the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. And The New Testament is after the birth of Christ, and it's the new covenant God made with his creation. Now, no longer just being the Jews, but you and I, as well.

The Bible took approximately 1600 years to be written, it was originally written in three languages; HEBREW, ARAMAIC & GREEK, by 40 different writers ranging from PROPHETS, SHEPHERDS, FISHERMEN, PRIESTS, KINGS, POETS, PHYSICIANS and even a first century TAX COLLECTOR.

It was written in 3 different continents and 16 different countries. The writers wrote it on materials ranging from PAPYRUS, ANIMAL SKINS to metals, like COPPER & SILVER. And although it took approximately 1600 years to be completed, it doesn’t contradict itself. Because the author was one... GOD!

God inspired his servants to write the Bible, in an attempt to teach us (his creation) not only the instructions to eternal life with Him. But, in addition, it contains the secrets of the Universe, in it you will find the secrets to how to have a successful business, find the perfect spouse, live a healthy lifestyle, raise godly children, and even how to defeat your enemies.

The Bible contains more wisdom than all the books written by men, put together. All in all, it contains the thoughts and the mind of THE ALMIGHTY GOD, creator of Heaven & Earth and the Rule maker of both the PHYSICAL and the SPIRITUAL realm.

It is also a collection of testimonies of how his statues and commandments can be applied to our everyday life, and the outcome of our obedience or disobedience.

It is food for our SOUL, it gives us strength to bare all tragedies that may come our way. With it our souls can be made strong during difficult times of our lives. Whether, we are facing a financial collapse, going through divorce, fighting a deadly disease or even the tragic, death of a loved one! The Bible contains all the promisses we will ever need to give us fortitude to bare even the most horrific of circumstances. In it, we will find comfort, peace and hope.


Now allow me to introduce the AUTHOR ...GOD! He is OMNIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENT & OMNISCIENT.

HE is ETERNAL, does not have a beginning or an end. He has always existed.

HE is OMNIPOTENT, He can do anything. Nothing is hard for him to do.

HE is OMNIPRESENT, He is every where, for the universe can not contain him. 2 CHRONICLES 2:6 But who is able to build Him a temple, since heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him. 1KINGS 8:27 “But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You. HE is present everywhere.

HE is OMNISCIENT He knows everything, the PAST, the PRESENT and the FUTURE! Psalm 139 says that the word is not yet in our mouths, yet he knows it, before we even speak it. HEBREWS 4:13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare befoe the eyes of him to who we must give account. PROVERBS 15:3 The eyes of the LORD are evrywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.

Before Moses, No one knew God's real name, that is until He revealed his name to Moses by introducing himself as “I AM” or I will be what ever I need to be. Early writers found the following consonants in Hebrew representing his name YHWH known as the Tetragrammaton (or the four consonants). Which later the vowels A & E were added to complete the name of “YAHWEH” (in Hebrew) translated into “JEHOVAH” in English. “Yahweh” translates to “I AM” the eternal way of being. Prior to that, HE was referred to by many names such as PROVIDER, REEDEMER, COMFORTER, ALMIGHTY GOD, HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL, ANSCIENT OF DAYS, MORNING STAR, BREAD OF LIFE, WATER OF LIFE, just to name a few. Each name being descriptive of HIM. (click here to see all the names used by God in the Bible)

The Bible says His name is so Holy, that God doesn’t want us to say it, therefore, most translations of the Bible have replaced ‘YAHWEH’ with the word LORD (all capitals) Jesus is also referred to as Lord (first letter capital and the remaining three in lower case). That is the reason PSALM 101:1 says, The LORD (YAHWEH) said to my Lord (JESUS), sit you at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.

The Bible states that it is God inspired. 2 TIMOTHY 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness: HEBREWS 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

The Bible says the Word of God is SPIRIT and it is alive. However, God will not allow it to speak to everyone that reads it, only to those who read it with a sincere heart. Or to whomever he allows it to speak to. However, because He is MERCIFUL, if you pray before you read it and ask him for wisdom in order that you may understand it “HE WILL ALLOW IT TO SPEAK TO YOU.” But you must read it with your heart JAMES 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. JEREMIAH 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

“Sorry these are not my rules, they are written in His word!” in order for the following scriptures to be fulfilled.

EZEKIEL 12:2 They have eyes, but they can not see. They have ears, but they can't hear  "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear. James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God

It teaches us how to live life to the fullest and how we can have communion with God (JOHN 10:10b For I've come that you may have life and have it more abundantly).

In addition, the word of God says, that His voice is like the voice of thunder, His eyes are a consuming fire like a laser beam, when He claps thunder and lightning come out of his hands. His voice is so powerful it would kill us if we heard it, the same way a high note breaks glass. His presence is so bright, just like a lasser beam, that it would melt us, if we saw him.

The Bible also says that God is LOVE, HOLY (1 PETER 1:16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy), MERCIFUL, PATIENT, SLOW TO WRATH and His Mercy endures for ever.

But, sin is what separates us from Him. The Bible says that we've all sinned and fall short from the glory of God (ROMANS 3:23), which means that while He is standing next to us our sins will not allow us to feel or see him. He speaks to all of us everyday, but our sinful nature does not allow us to hear Him (DEUTERONOMY 4:36).

But, He loves us so much that He had us in mind even before He created the Heavens and the Earth (Ephesians 1:11). We are created in his image and likeness (GENESIS 1:27). God is Spirit and He has always existed, for He is eternal. There is non like him. ISAIAH 43:10 Before Me there was no God formed, Nor shall there be after Me. ISAIAH 46:5 “To whom will you liken Me, and make Me equal And compare Me, that we should be alike? ISAIAH 46:9-10 For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, 10 Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,’. There is no other Holy book out there, known to man, that can prove itself to be TRUE!!!

None of the so called Gods, of the other religions in the world, have said about themselves that they are GOD the creator of HEAVEN & EARTH, and be able to prove it. 

God refers to himself as Father, used as a title not only because we were created by Him, but in addition, so that we can be able to relate to Him. He says He is our eternal FATHER in order that we may be able to understand that a Father is someone who; teaches, provides, protects, guides, disciplines, etc, etc, etc…

In addition He loves us unconditionally. There is nothing that we can ever do so wrong that would stop him from loving us. We can either be HITLER or MOTHER THERESA, yet His love is unconditional. He loves us all the same. However, the obedient ones He reffers to as "the apple of His eye". While the disobedient ones causes him sadness.

The reason why He created His Word (The Bible) is for our own personal benefit, due to the fact that salvation is personal and it can only be obtained individually. Salvation can not be inherited nor can you leave it as an inheritance to someone else!

But, if you are still wondering how can we tell the Bible was inspired by God? Well only GOD would be able to posses powers no other person can posses. One of those powers is KNOWLEDGE for He is the only one who can prophecy the future with accuracy (ISAIAH 46:10 says He declares de END from the BEGINNING). The real proof is that many of the things written in it, scientists as well as historians have been able to prove it to be true! In addition, many prophecies written in it have come to pass! Some are so accurate that skeptics argue they were written after the fact. One of them is the book of Isaiah. Also in the book of Psalms it talks about his hands and feet being pierced.  The book of Psalms was written 1000-1200 years before the birth of Christ. The book of Isaiah was written approximately 700 years before the birth of Christ, it describes Jesus' crucifixion, very accurately. You would ask how can we be sure that it truly was written before and not after the fact. Well in God's wisdom, since he does know the future!!! He Instructed Isaiah to write it on animal skin. Modern day scientists examined the animal skin on which it was written and did a DNA test to see if the entire skin was from the same animal or if the part that talks about the crucifixion had been added at a later date. Well, the DNA proved not only to be from the same source (animal) in addition the pollen from local plants and flowers of that era, came back as the flowers and plants found on that side of the world at the time the book of Isaiah was writen. Therefore, proving the animal skin to be the original, and accurate for the times it was written in.

The Bible Mentions many groups of people or races that no longer exist nor were there any secular records that give account of their existence. That is until the turn of the last century. When archeologist, discovered an entire empire where such people once dwelled at. King David is mentioned in many places in the Bible, but it wasn't until recently, again in the last century, that ceramic tablets containing King David's name were unearthed. In other words, you can trust the Bible to be accurate and true!  

Many people claim not to believe in the Bible, yet inadvertly follow its advice. I personally know people who claim to be agnostic or atheist. Yet when I ask them if they have killed anyone, or if they are thieves, liars, or criminals? They respond always respond "NO". I then ask them WHY NOT? and their answer is always the same... "because it's wrong!" Then I take the liberty to answer them that the one who first told us NOT TO STEAL, KILL, LIE, ETC... was God when he gave us the 10 commandments. Therefore, even though they are confessing with their mouth that they don't believe in GOD. with their many acts, they are following GOD's rules. To no avail, by the way. For we are not saved by works alone. But by consciencesly believing and confessing him as our LORD and SAVIOR. (click here to see what God requires from us in order that we may be saved.)

(click here to se over 365 Messianic Prophecies that came to pass)

Be on the look out; there are still a few yet to be fulfilled, here's to name a few: 


The rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple, It will be rebuilt extremely fast (the original took 11 yrs to be built). Israelites have already recreated the items found in the original temple, like THE TABLE OF SHOW BREAD, THE MINORAH, THE ARCH OF THE COVENANT, THE GOLDEN VESSELS used by the Priests. They are in display at the TEMPLE INSTITUTE in Jerusalem. I was just there in the spring of 2016.

Jesus' return He will enter through the EAST gate of the temple (Muslims used the front of this entrance as a cemetery, in an attempt to stop Jesus from using that entrance, for it is written that Jesus can not walk through a cemetery)

  • One world order
  • Mark on the forehead or hand to buy food with.
  • The anti-Christ to rule for 7years (He will sign a 7 year peace treaty, but will brake it after 3 ½ years.)
  • Christians will be persecuted worldwide, and will be decapitated, if they confess they are Christians. (Those who persevere will be saved)
  • All Christian religions will turn to ONE
  • Many false prophets, claiming to be JESUS himself
  • The World ending in fire

Us living in THE NEW JERUSALEM until the Earth is restore for us to inhabit it again.

Prophecies that have taken place within the last century:

The sound of the 1st trumpet: WWl 1914

The sounding of the 2nd trumpet: WWll 1941

The sounding of the 3rd trumpet: Cherynobel Nuclear explosion: 1986

The sounding of the 4th trumpet: Speeding up of Earth's rotation:

The sounding of the 5th trumpet: Sadam Hussein's destruction:1991

The sounding of the 6th trumpet: WWlll currently blowing we are at the beginning of WWlll

United Nations Organization:

The fall of the Berlin Wall: Healed wound


The Holocaust: 1941-1945 EZEKIEL 37: Matt. 24

The Birth or Israel: Isaiah 66:8 “1948”

 What God can NOT do! 

He can Not Lie

He can Not forsake nor abandon us

He can Not stop loving us

He can Not stop thinking about us

He can Not stop existing

He can Not remember forgiven sins

He can Not sin

He can Not be contain

He can Not make our mind up for us

He can Not be measured

He can Not change


 Attributes of God


God is:


OMNISCIENT (all knowing Psalm 139:4, Jer. 23:23, Proverbs 15:3),


OMNIPRESENT (can be everywhere at the same time Psalm 139:7-12, Prov. 15:3)


OMNIPOTENT (all powerful Jer. 32:27)